About this Blog

This blog is my outlet. Sometimes I have thoughts or questions in my heart that are just screaming to get out. Most everyone I know is involved in a lifestyle of 120% or more. There's no time to listen to me explode, or whine about the latest fad or hobby horse. So, out of respect for my family and friends, I've chosen to blog my thoughts and questions. If you want to read them, fine. If not? That's fine, also. I won't promise to post every day, or even every week. I've enough broken new year's resolutions to know that I won't keep any promises I make about this blog. 

God has been taking me down some roads I've never thought possible. I am learning and experiencing things I never thought I would. Sometimes my heart is just overflowing with thankfulness. Other times, my eyes are on the things of this world, and my heart overflows in rage. Don't worry, God doesn't let me stay there. 

You'll find some references to a ministry I'm partial to, found at www.realanswers.net.  These folks have been used of God over the years to teach me things I needed taught. Make no mistake, though. The final teaching comes from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has many tools at His disposal, one of which, is the People To People Ministries. 

Thanks for stopping by!